Training – Endurance Fam Sports + Life + Endurance Wed, 20 Nov 2019 06:26:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Training – Endurance Fam 32 32 How Long Should My Long Run Be For 5K Training? Wed, 20 Nov 2019 05:19:17 +0000

The long run in distance running is one of the most important workouts for runners because it helps build endurance, stamina, and speed.  However, when just starting out training for 5K races, you might ask yourself, “how long should I be running for my 5K?” Well, I did a little research and found that the optimal long run while training for a 5K race is approximately 30-40% longer than your average daily mileage.  However, because everyone is at different stages in training for a 5K, we will breakdown everything you need to know about your next 5K preparation long run from beginning to middle to end!

What is a Long Run?

In order to figure out how long you should be running for your long run in preparation for your next 5K, we must first understand what a “long run” really is.  A long run in distance running is typically your longest run of the week and is about 30-40% longer than your typical daily mileage.  This run is important because it helps build endurance and stamina to maintain a fast speed for a longer period of time.  Additionally, long runs prepare you to run faster because it causes your legs to build muscle especially when you are tired.  By building these muscles while you are fatigued, you will learn to overcome discomfort and fatigue when you are trying to achieve your next 5K personal record (PR).  

How Long Should My Long Run Be For A 5K?

Your long run should be approximately 30-40% longer than your average daily mileage.  While this is a general rule to follow, we have provided tables displaying Endurance Fam’s 5K Training: Optimal Long Run Distances for Different Daily Mileages.  These tables are designed to give you a general idea what how long your long run should be.

1. Beginning Training: How Long Should My Long Run Be When First Starting?

When first starting your training for a 5K you should start with shorter distances and a slower pace.  Once you become more comfortable with your average daily mileage, you can begin implementing long runs into your running schedule.  Below you will find a chart displaying your average daily mileage and the corresponding long run mileage estimates. This first chart should be referrence when first starting your training.

Average Daily MileageStarting: Long Run Mileage
1 Mile2
2 Miles2.6
3 Miles3.9
4 Miles5.2
5 Miles6.5
6 Miles8
7 Miles9.1
8 Miles10.4
9 Miles11.7
10 Miles12.8

5K Starting Training Table: Average Daily Mileage to Long Run Mileage Conversion

2. Peak Training: How Long Should My Long Run Be At Peak Training?

As you progress throughout your season and training for your next 5K you will want to slowly increase the mileage of your long run.  This increase does not need to be drastic and you can even skip some weeks without increasing your mileage.  The main thing to remember is “your health is more important than an extra mile”.  Below you will find the average daily mileage and the corresponding long run mileage estimates for your peak training fitness.  Again, these long run mileage can vary depending on how your training is going. You should not be afraid to slightly increase or decrease your mile depending on how you are feeling.

Average Daily MileagePeak: Long Run Mileage
1 Mile3
2 Miles3.5
3 Miles5
4 Miles6.5
5 Miles8
6 Miles9
7 Miles10.2
8 Miles11.2
9 Miles12.8
10 Miles14

5K Peak Training Table: Average Daily Mileage to Long Run Mileage Conversion

3. Close to Race Training: How Long Should My Long Run Be Close To My Race?

As you get closer to your race (a few weeks away), you will want to begin dialing down your mileage so you can start resting your legs and preparing your body to be fresh for the race.  As you will see in the chart, there is a decrease in mileage but it is not significant.  You do not want to move away from your routine workout and running schedule soon before your race.  Again, remember these numbers can be adjusted based on how your body is feeling.  You do not want to be pushing yourself too hard before the race but want to make sure you are maintaining your fitness.

Average Daily MileageClose to Race: Long Run Mileage
1 Mile2.5
2 Miles3.2
3 Miles4.2
4 Miles5.8
5 Miles7.5
6 Miles8.5
7 Miles9.4
8 Miles10
9 Miles11.8
10 Miles12.5

5K Near Race Training Table: Average Daily Mileage to Long Run Mileage Conversion


When preparing for a 5K race, your long run should be approximately 30-40% longer than your average daily mileage.  You will want to start off at a shorter distance when first starting your training and begin building your fitness until you reach your peak fitness.  A couple weeks before your race, you want to begin dialing back your mileage so you can be recovered and fresh for your race.  Always remember that, “your health is more important than an extra mile,” and you should not push yourself if your body is telling you not to. Be sure to use the long run distance tables provided as a general guideline (it should not be taken as professional advice).  However, by following these general guidelines you will be on your way to your next 5K personal record!
