Endurance Fam https://endurancefam.com Sports + Life + Endurance Thu, 16 May 2024 01:40:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://endurancefam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/cropped-Endurance-Fam-Shoe-Logo-32x32.png Endurance Fam https://endurancefam.com 32 32 What Is The Biking Equivalent Of A Marathon? https://endurancefam.com/what-is-the-biking-equivalent-of-a-marathon/ Mon, 06 Jul 2020 18:55:04 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=758

This past weekend, I was on my 10 mile Sunday long run. It was about 90 degrees outside with no shade for miles.  This run was really difficult and I couldn’t imagine having to run a full marathon (26.2 miles) right now.  As I continued with my long run, I saw a cyclist pass me going at least five times faster than my running pace.  This got me thinking, as an avid runner and bike rider, what would be the biking equivalent to running a marathon?

Marathons are one of the most difficult in challenging races running and in any sport.  In order to run 26.2 miles you must push yourself physically and mentally.  Running and biking are two very different sports, however, they can be related because they challenge your endurance.  I did a little research and found out that the closest biking equivalent to running a marathon is a 100 mile (Century) bike ride.  Let’s take a closer look into how this was determined and what factors should be considered when comparing running and biking.

How Many Miles Biking Equals 1-mile Running?

In order to compare running a marathon to biking, we have to determine how many miles a 1-mile run equals to in biking miles.  It has been determined that running 1 mile is approximately equivalent to biking 3 miles. While this is not a 100% direct correlation, it is our best estimate. An important factor to consider is that in order to properly compare running and biking, the activities must be done with the same effort level. A deeper analysis into how many miles biking equals one mile running can be found in our recent article, How Many Miles Biking Equals One Mile Running?

What Is The Biking Equivalent Of A Marathon?

You might be thinking, by using the rule of thumb that 3 miles biking equals one mile running, we would end up with 26.2 miles running being equivalent to 3 x 26.2 = 78.6 miles biking.  Although this may be true, it is important to consider the extreme toll that running 26.2 miles or Marathon takes on the human body.  The most important aspect to consider is that when running you are constantly impacting your legs whereas when you are biking you are able to move without much impact.  Additionally, there are also some other factors to consider when comparing biking and running that will help our estimation of the biking equivalent to running a marathon.

3 Factors To Consider When Comparing Biking and Running

1. Constant Impact When Running

One of the biggest considerations as stated previously is the constant impact that you experience when running.  Each step when running causes impact to your legs and muscles.  Over the course of 26.2 miles, this can drastically wear down your body and cause bone pain and nasty blisters.  Comparing this to biking, there is relatively no impact for each pedal stroke. When you are biking, you are mainly using your thigh, hamstring, and calf muscles.  However, it is important to recognize that without proper gear you could develop blisters while biking as well.

2. Coasting On A Bike

Another important aspect to consider when comparing running and biking is that when biking, you have the ability to coast on a bike.  Compared to running, you have to constantly be moving if you want to continue moving forward in the race.  Therefore, for our comparison purposes we are stating that it is important to exert the same amount of effort for both sports. By exerting the same amount of energy for both sports, we are able to get a better comparison.  For this comparison it might be more effective to compare running a marathon to biking on a stationary bike.  If you’ve ever biked on a stationary bike you know that the constant pedaling is much more difficult than riding a bike outside.  This constant motion of a stationary bike is more similar to running than biking outside.

3. Faster Rotations/Steps on Bike

When comparing running and biking it is important to consider the faster rotations that are required when biking. It is known that biking requires a faster rotation per minute (RPM). While this RPM can be reduced at times, it is typically higher than running RPM or steps per minute.  This faster rotation can cause additional strain on your muscles and bones. It is very common for these fast rotations to cause knee or hamstring pain.  Therefore, by using the comparison of a stationary bike to running, the more rotations required while biking can make it even more difficult.


Running and biking both have their own factors that make them difficult which include constant impact while running and faster movement or pedal strokes when biking.  As long as the same effort level is used for each sport, then the closest biking equivalent to running a marathon (26.2 miles) is approximately a 100 mile (Century) bike ride.  This approximation is slightly more than the 1:3 running to biking miles ratio, because coasting is possible on the bike.  This factor caused a high running to biking mile ratio for the estimation.

Is It Bad To Draft In Running? – Explained https://endurancefam.com/is-it-bad-to-draft-in-running-explained/ Wed, 29 Apr 2020 18:49:09 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=703

I was recently running in a local 5K race and noticed someone running right behind me!  Then I started to notice that they were drafting behind me.  Instead of being upset that I was doing all the work and breaking the wind, I dropped back and we began to alternate who would take the lead.  After working together throughout the race, we both went on to run personal 5K records!  This got me thinking, is it bad to draft in running?

Drafting is very common in running and is a way to work together.  Throughout my running career, I have raced over 100 running races and have asked fellow runners whether they believe it is okay to draft in running.  Most runners agree that it is okay to draft when running as long as polite practices are used.  Let’s breakdown the basics of drafting and ways to respectfully draft while running.

What Does “Drafting” Mean In Running?

The term drafting means is an aerodynamic technique in which two objects or people are aligned.  The person behind is technically in the lead person’s slipstream, which reduces the amount of drag.  This effect is increased the faster you are moving and in more windy conditions.  

In more simple terms, drafting while running is when you run behind someone and they block the wind for you, thus making it easier to run with less effort. 

This term is used in many other fields other than running such as car racing, cycling, and even speed skating.

Drafting is legal in almost all running races as long as you do not interfere with another runner.

How Does Drafting Work In Running?

When someone drafts in running this means that you are running behind someone and they block the wind for you. This is beneficial because the person in front has to use more energy to run at a consistent pace. In order to visualize this, think about when you are running and it is extremely windy.

In order to run at a consistent pace against the wind, you have to put in more effort than if there was no wind. By drafting, or running behind someone, it allows you to save energy because the person in front will have to use more energy to block the wind for you. This will cause you to feel less wind and allow you to use less effort to run at a consistent pace. 

5 Etiquette Tips To Draft While Running

Some people believe that drafting when running is poor “running etiquette,” however, there are ways to do it respectfully.  Here are some tips to drafting respectfully when running:

1. Organize Prior To Run Or Race

A helpful tip is if you know a fellow runner that runs a similar pace to you, is to ask them before the race if they would like to work together with you.  If so, you could draft off of each other and switch off taking the lead.  This can help you both run faster as long as you both have similar goals.

2. Communicate To Fellow Runners

Another tip to respectful drafting is to communicate to a runner during the race.  Because it is difficult to talk during a race you can use hand gestures to indicate you would like to work together.  One hand gesture you could use is to point behind you, to indicate that the other runner could draft off of you.  If you want to switch off and have the other running lead, you could move to the side and point in front of you.  After a while, the other runner should catch on to what you are trying to accomplish.

3. Do Not Draft One Person The Whole Time

As the race goes on make sure to keep moving up.  You do not have to draft one person the whole time.  It is actually recommended to draft a little, move up, draft a little, and repeat.  This way you are getting the benefit of drafting while also moving up during the race.

4. Alternate Leaders

A great way to respectfully draft is to alternate leaders.  It can be annoying if a runner stays behind and drafts off of you the whole race.  Therefore, make sure to offer to take the lead and alternate leaders to make it more fair and acceptable.

5. Offer To Lead First

Some people may not want to initially work together and draft with you, therefore, it is a good practice to offer to lead first.  This will cause the other runner to be more willing to work together because they can know that they will be getting some benefit out of it.

Is It Okay To Draft In A Road Race?

When running a race, the goal is typically to complete the distance as fast as you can.  Since you know that running behind someone will make it easier to run faster, shouldn’t you always run behind someone?  The answer depends on your goal of doing the race.  If you are doing it just to complete the race, then you don’t have to worry about drafting.  On the other hand, if you are competitively racing then drafting may be a good option. 

But, is it bad etiquette to draft in a road race such as a 5K? Yes and no.  If you draft without being respectful or without following etiquette drafting tips then it could be seen as poor etiquette. An example of poor drafting etiquette is if you were running a race and for the entire race, you run behind the same person without offering to break the wind.  Make sure to be polite and follow the 5 Drafting Etiquette Tips to draft stress-free during your next road race. 

Is It Okay To Draft In A Cross Country Race?

During a cross country race, there are typically a large number of runners. In many cases, there are over 100 runners. Because there are so many runners in the race, it is more acceptable to draft in cross country races. 

These large cross country races usually break-up into small groups of 5-10 runners.  It is usually a good strategy to stick right behind this group and save your energy.  If the group breaks into a small group of less than 5 runners, it is a good practice to work together and switch off drafting leaders to catch up to the next group. 

Is It Okay to Draft In A Track and Field Race?

Track races are a little more different than most running races.  These races tend to be shorter and most runners will stay in the 1st lane because it is the shortest distance. 

Since there is not much available space, runners are typically right next to each other.  Therefore, when racing on a track it is very hard not to draft unless you are in the front.  This makes it more acceptable to draft in track and field races. 

If you are trying to run faster, make sure to continue to move up and not draft behind the same person for the whole race.  Additionally, track races are a great time to work together with your teammates and draft off each other.  This can lead to faster times and possibly a new personal record.

Is It Okay To Draft When Training?

When training, drafting is typically more acceptable.  If you are training with a team or a training partner, it is generally acceptable to draft and work together with your teammates. However, it is a good practice to communicate to your teammate if you want to implement drafting. 

During training, you usually do not need to run your fastest, but drafting could be useful if the conditions are windy and you are aiming for a certain fast pace.  You can implement drafting and work together with your teammate to build your stamina at a fast pace. 

3 Benefits of Drafting While Running

1. Builds Teamwork

Drafting is a great way to build teamwork because you can not do it by yourself.  It requires a good amount of communication.  A helpful tip to implement drafting into your running training or racing, is to use hand gestures to indicate who should take the lead.  This sounds simple but many people forget to do it.  An example of this is if you are leading, you can point for your teammate to take the lead.  Another way to do this is just to go to the side, point in front of you, and then drop back to have your teammate take the lead.

2. Easier To Maintain Pace

Implementing drafting into your running is a great way to make running easier.  Because at fast paces and windy conditions, there is a high amount of drag, working with a fellow runner to block the wind for each other is a great way to make it easier to run.  

3. Improved Performance

Not only does drafting make it easier to run, but it can also improve your times and performance.  Especially, in track races, drafting is very important and can be the factor of winning and losing a race.  Even in road or cross country races, you will save more energy by not taking the lead.  This can help you run faster.  


Some people know that drafting in running is helpful, but are hesitant to try it because they don’t know if it is okay to do.  If you remember to draft respectfully and use the 5 Drafting Etiquette Tips, then it is not bad to draft in running and is acceptable to do.  Properly implementing drafting into your running, can help you be on your way to running faster and hopefully a new personal record! 

The 3 Best Running Mittens For Cold Weather – Explained https://endurancefam.com/the-3-best-running-mittens-for-cold-weather-explained/ Fri, 24 Apr 2020 07:04:28 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=674

I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements!

Are you tired of having your hand and fingers freezing cold during winter run? This past winter, I went on a morning run with temperatures in the low 40s and could barely feel my fingers by the end of it. Once I found a good pair of running mittens, my runs were so much more comfortable and my hands were not freezing the whole time.

If you are like me and often run in cold weather, then a good pair of running mittens can make a great addition to your running gear arsenal.

While traditional gloves and waterproof gloves are great options, mittens can keep your hands even warmer and more comfortable.

Searching for a pair of running mittens can be confusing to beginners, as there are a few different types of running mittens and many different companies claiming their mittens are the best. Let me help simplify it for you!

For my money, the best running mittens are:

Now let’s take a closer look at these running mittens and how to buy your first pair!

Are Running Gloves or Running Mittens Better?

The main difference between running gloves and running mittens is that mittens allow your hands to retain heat. These mittens allow your hands to stay even warmer than traditional gloves because the keep four of your fingers together rather than separated.

Your body is constantly giving off body heat. Running mittens uses this concept and by keeping your fingers together in a snug area, which generates heat to keep your hands warm.

The one draw back to running mittens is less dexterity considering your four of your fingers are bunched together. Nevertheless, when running you don’t need much if any finger movement.

One situation where you may want some dexterity is when you’re on your phone post-run. Thankfully, most running mittens come with smartphone compatibility built-in on the tip of the thumb.

What Are The Different Types Of Running Mittens?

There are two main types of running mittens:

  1. Traditional Running Mittens
  2. 2-n-1 Convertible Running Gloves/Mittens

The traditional mitten is typically has two sections, one for the thumb and one for the other four fingers.

On the other hand (pun intended 🙂 ), the 2-n-1 convertible running gloves/mittens are normal gloves but with a pullover section that can transform your gloves into mittens.

Personally, I like the versatility of being able to pull over the mitten cover at the start of the run and once I start to warm up, I take the cover off and have a cooler normal glove.

4 Main Factors For Buying Running Mittens

When it comes to buying a pair of running mittens, these are the 4 main factors you should consider:

  1. Touch Screen Capability
    • If you like to use your phone with your mittens on, then this may be an important factor for you to consider. Many modern running mittens implement a material on the fingertips that allow you to use phone without interruption. If the gloves do not have this compatible material then they will not work with a touchscreen phone.
  2. Snug Fit
    • It is important to make sure that the mittens have a secure and snug fit. Some mittens implement a velcro strap or elastic wrist cuffs to ensure no wind or rain easily seems through.
  3. Lightweight
    • When buying running mittens you want to make sure they are not too bulky because the extra weight can become tiresome over a long run. Some running mittens are a little more bulky because they are intended to keep you very warm. That is why, I like to have the option of the 2-n-1 capability.
  4. Good Warmth
    • The good thing about mittens is that they are typically warmer than traditional gloves. Because they keep your fingers together, the body heat generated by your fingers will keep each other warm.

While there are many different factors to consider, we have taken the time to consider all these factors and determined the top 3 running mittens for you. Continue reading to find out more!

How Much Should You Spend For Running Mittens?

Buying a pair of running mittens can vary depending on the quality, material, and features.  

You can purchase a pair of quality running mittens for around $25 – $40.

I would recommend getting a pair of running mittens in this price range because you can get a high quality pair that will be durable and last you a long time.

Most Versatile Running Mittens:

TrailHeads Power Stretch Convertible Mittens – Men’s and Women’s Fingerless Gloves

Here’s what I like about these running mittens:

  • Fingerless Capability
  • 4-Way Stretch Material
  • Magnetic Thumb Flaps
  • Good Return Policy

This is a great pair of running mittens for anyone that likes versatility and using their mittens for not just running.

The other benefit of having 2-n-1 fingerless capability is that if you are running in an area that is not extremely cold, then these can be a great option if you get too hot from wearing the mitten cover. You could take the mitten cover off and get good ventilation.

Another cool feature of these mittens is that the thumb has a magnetic flap. So, when you to go with the fingerless option, you can pull the flap back and it will magnetically lock into place and not get in your way.

On top of all, Trailheads offers a great return policy and state that “if you’re not happy with your purchase, let us know and we’ll provide a replacement or refund – no fine print, no time limit!”

Here’s what I don’t like about these running mittens:

There are not many downsides to these mittens, especially how functional they are.

However, some users might complain that these mittens are not the warmest for very cold temperatures. Because of their versatility and their fingerless capability, these mittens do not provide as much warmth as some of the other recommended mittens with the full-finger mitten options.

If you are looking for a great pair of versatile running mittens, then these are the mittens for you!

Men’s: Check the current price and read more user reviews of the TrailHeads Power Stretch Convertible Mittens Men’s Fingerless Gloves on Amazon.

Women’s: Check the current price and read more user reviews of the TrailHeads Power Stretch Convertible Mittens Women’s Fingerless Gloves on Amazon.

Best Everyday Use Running Mittens:

Nathan Convertible Reflective Glove/Mitt for Running

Here’s what I like about these running mittens:

  • Great Reflective Detailing
  • Stretchy and Comfortable Spandex Material
  • Smartphone Fingers
  • Nose Wipe Fabric

These running mittens provide a high amount of temperature protection while having useful everyday features.

One of the first things you will notice about these mittens is that they have reflective detailing all around the outside of the mitten. This is great if you are running in low light conditions because they can reflect light and make you more visible.

Another great feature of these mittens is that they are made out of a stretchy Spandex material and a warm thermal layer. This provides you with flexibility and warmth.

Additionally, these mittens have smartphone texting fingers so that you can use your phone with the mittens on. Also, a unique feature is a nose wipe cloth material on the top of the thumb. This is useful you need to wipe your nose because of the cold temperatures.

Here’s what I don’t like about these running mittens:

Some users may complain that the mittens run a little too big. Make sure to consider sizing down when ordering your pair of Nathan running mittens.

Additionally, some users have complained that their hands start to get a little cold at temperatures below 30 degrees.

If you are looking for a great pair of running mittens that are great for everyday use, then these Nathan Gloves/Mittens are a great option for you!

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the Nathan Convertible Reflective Glove/Mitt for Running on Amazon.

Best Overall Running Mittens:

Craft Hybrid Weather 2-in-1 Running Cycling Mitten Gloves

Here’s what I like about these running mittens:

  • Multiple Color Options
  • Silicone Plam Grips
  • Wind and Waterproof Mitten Cover
  • Touchscreen Embroidery

These running mittens are an amazing option for runners looking for a great overall pair of mittens that are high quality and are high performance.

They provide all the different features that you could want such as touchscreen fingers, silicone palm grips, and a wind and waterproof mitten cover.

One of my favorite parts about these mittens is that they are made out of a high quality polyester material. Not only is this a high quality stretchy material, but it is also extremely warm.

A great feature that makes these running mittens standout from the competition is their waterproof mitten cover. This will keep your hands dry and warm in rainy and cold conditions.

Additionally, these running mittens are not only warm but also lightweight. They are perfect for races and workouts because they will not interfere with your running motions.

Here’s what I don’t like about these running mittens:

Some users might complain about the name of these mittens. They are called bike gloves, however, they can be used for more than just biking. The only thing that is tailored to biking is the silicone palm, however, after using these mittens for a while I actually prefer having grip on the palms. They are great for holding your phone securely and it adds to the dexterity of the mittens.

If you are looking for a great high quality pair of running mittens for a good price, then these are a great option for you!

Check the current price of the Craft Hybrid Weather 2-in-1 Bike Cycling Mitten Gloves on Amazon.


Running mittens are a great way to keep your hands warm during cold rainy days.

These running mittens keep your fingers together which allow your hands to stay warmer due to retaining body heat.

My top pick for runners wanting a great pair of running mittens for your next run or race, would be to go with the best overall running mittens, the Craft Hybrid Weather 2-in-1 Bike Cycling Mitten Gloves on Amazon.

These Craft Hybrid Running Mittens are a great pair of running mittens and are available at one of the most reasonable prices on the market. These running mittens provide features such as palm grip, elastic wrist cuffs, smartphone fingers, and a waterproof mitten cover, all while remaining lightweight! These mittens are a great option for any runner wanting high quality running mittens at an affordable price!

Hope this helps!

The 3 Best Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses For Women – Explained https://endurancefam.com/the-3-best-anti-fog-running-sunglasses-for-women-explained/ Sun, 05 Apr 2020 18:17:42 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=639 I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements!

Sunglasses are a great way to protect your eyes during your runs. They help protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays and even from bugs flying into your eyes (the worst). However, have you ever been on a run and within a few miles your sunglasses begin to fog up?

Not only is sunglasses fogging up extremely annoying, but it also interrupts the rhythm of your run and can cause it to be difficult to start back up. One situation that all runners do not want any interruptions is during a race.

Thankfully, some running sunglasses have anti-fog capabilities to prevent your sunglasses from fogging up, even during your hardest runs.

Searching for a pair of anti-fog sunglasses for running can be confusing for beginners, as there are many different types of running sunglasses. Let me simplify it for you!

For my money, the best anti-fog running sunglasses for women are:

If you are looking for Men’s sunglasses, then check out our recommendations of The 3 Best Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses For Men.

Now let’s take a closer look at these anti-fog women’s running sunglasses and how to buy your first pair!

Why Do My Sunglasses Fog Up When Running?

Sunglasses fog up due to a combination of moisture and heat.

This is especially an issue while running because we are constantly sweating and giving off heat.

Additionally, most normal sunglasses do not have any sort of ventilation which allows the sweat and heat to fog up your sunglasses. Without any ventilation, this causes moisture to build up on the sunglass lenses. This build up is what causes your sunglasses to fog up when running.

Therefore, it is important to use anti-fogging running sunglasses for ventilation and to prevent this problem.

How Do Anti-Fog Sunglasses Work?

As mentioned previously, sunglasses typically fog up due to sweat and heat that your body gives off from running. This builds

In order to prevent this, anti-fog sunglasses implement two important features:

  1. Ventilation
  2. Anti-Fog Lens

Ventilation provides a way for the moisture and heat produced from your body to vent out effectively. Without ventilation, it causes the moisture to stay in place on your lenses.

Many anti-fog sunglasses implement anti-fog lenses with hydrophobic technologies. Hydrophobic means that water does not like to be on the surface of the sunglasses. Therefore, these lenses reduce the amount of moisture that can build up on the sunglasses.

With the combination of ventilation and anti-fog lenses, these sunglasses allow you to run hard without having to worry about your sunglasses fogging up.

How Much Should I Spend For Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses?

Buying a pair of anti-fog running sunglasses can vary depending on the material quality, features, and durability.  

If you are looking for a pair of anti-fog running sunglasses, you can purchase a budget pair for under $30.

The middle tier of anti-fog running sunglasses will run you around $40-$80.

The prices for higher quality sunglasses can range due to different name brands, but you should aim for around $90-$150 for a high quality pair of sunglasses.

Best Budget Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses for Women: Bea Cool Polarized Sunglasses

Here’s what I like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

  • Low Cost
  • Large Lens For Wide Field Of View
  • Comes With Hard and Soft Carrying Case
  • Soft and Anti-Slip Rubber Nose Pad
  • Many Color Options

This is a great budget pick for anyone who is in the market for anti-fog running sunglasses.

These sunglasses provide anti-fog resistant lenses. They also have many of the great features that are usually found in high-end sunglasses.

Another benefit of these sunglasses is that there are many different color options. Whether you like pink, blue, black, or yellow, these sunglasses most likely come in a color that you will like!

These sunglasses also come with a hard and soft carrying case which usually only comes with high-end sunglasses.

Here’s what I don’t like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

There are not many downsides to these sunglasses, especially at such a great price.

However, some users might complain that lens are not scratch resistance. But, even with more expensive sunglasses, it is always important to take care your sunglasses and to put them in their case when not in use.

For the low cost and high quality features, these sunglasses have potential to be your go-to running sunglasses.

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the Bea Cool Polarized Sunglasses on Amazon. 

Best Mid-Range Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses For Women: Tifosi Alliant Sunglasses

Here’s what I like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

  • Composite Frame
  • Come With 3 Interchangeable Lens
  • Multiple Color Options
  • Excellent Ventilation

These running sunglasses provide a great amount of eye protection while maintaining excellent ventilation. With multiple ventilation slits, the air can flow through your sunglasses and prevent moisture build up on the lens.

One of the greatest benefits of these sunglasses, is that they come with 3 interchangeable lens. This allows you to change your lens depending on the lighting conditions. If it is super bright outside, then opt for the darks shaded lens.

Additionally, these sunglasses are made with a high quality composite material, making them durable for your everyday runs. They also come with a hard carrying case to protect them when you are not using them.

Here’s what I don’t like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

Some users might complain that they would like the lens to be even larger. While these are not as large as the Bea Cool sunglasses, these are large enough to provide good field of view and protection.

If you are looking a great pair of well made anti-fog running sunglasses at a mid-level price point, then these are a great option for you.

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the Tifosi Alliant Sunglasses on Amazon.

Best High-End Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses for Women: Oakley Evzero Ascend Sunglasses

Here’s what I like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

  • Made In The USA
  • Wide Field of View Lens
  • Many Color Options
  • High Quality Materials
  • Lightweight and Durable Frame

These sunglasses are an amazing option for high quality anti-fog running sunglasses. The quality and build of these sunglasses is excellent and they are Made in the USA.

They provide all the different features that you could want such as a high quality anti-fog lens, stylish design, and great durability. These sunglasses also come in a variety of difference colors and lens colors.

These sunglasses use Unobtainium (rubber-like) nose pads and temples grips to ensure your sunglasses stay securely in place during your run. No one likes sunglasses that bounce when you run.

Oakley’s Plutonite Lenses offer UV Protection filtering 100% of all UVA, UVB, UVC and harmful blue light up to 400mm. This allows you to run comfortable, without having the sun making your eyes fatigued.

Additionally, Oakley lives up to its name with these sunglasses because they are made out of a high quality thermoplastic material. This makes them extremely durable even under the toughest conditions.

These sunglasses also come with a hard-shell and soft microfiber carrying cases.

Here’s what I don’t like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

One downside to these sunglasses is the price point. These sunglasses are on the pricer side, however, they are a premium pair of sunglasses. The price of these sunglasses is justified by their high-quality and stylish looks. You should look at these sunglasses as an investment. If you invest in these sunglasses and take care of them, they can last for years and will be well worth the money.

Some users might complain that the sunglasses do not fit perfectly. With these sunglasses, an extra pair of nose pad for increased adjustability.

Even though these sunglasses have a higher price point, they are well justified due to their overall high quality and durability. If taken care of properly, this investment in a premium pair of sunglasses will allow you to use them for many years. This makes these Oakley sunglasses well worth the cost and an excellent pair of running sunglasses.

Check the current price of the Oakley Evzero Ascend Sunglasses on Amazon.


Running sunglasses are a great way to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and insects flying into your eyes.

However, one of the most common issues when running with sunglasses is that they fog up, making them difficult to see out of.

If you are having these sunglass fogging issues, then going for a pair of anti-fog sunglasses is a great option.

My top pick for runners wanting a pair of anti-fog running sunglasses for their next workout or race would be to go with a good all-around and budget-friendly option like the Bea Cool Polarized Sunglasses on Amazon.

These Bea Cool sunglasses are a great pair of anti-fog running sunglasses and are available at one of the most affordable prices on the market. Additionally, they provide features that only some of the higher-end sunglasses have. This is a great starting point for runners wanting a great pair of sunglasses that don’t fog up especially on your hardest runs. It would be difficult to find a better pair of running sunglasses for the price! If you have a larger budget to invest in running gear then you could always upgrade to the Tifosi Alliant or Oakley Evzero Ascend sunglasses.

Hope this helps. Happy Running!

The 3 Best Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses For Men – Explained https://endurancefam.com/the-3-best-anti-fog-running-sunglasses-for-men-explained/ Sat, 04 Apr 2020 09:07:47 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=609 I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements!

Sunglasses are a great way to protect your eyes during your runs. They help protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays and even from bugs flying into your eyes (the worst). However, have you ever been on a run and within a few miles your sunglasses begin to fog up?

Not only is sunglasses fogging up extremely annoying, but it also interrupts the rhythm of your run and can cause it to be difficult to start back up. One situation that all runners do not want any interruptions is during a race.

Thankfully, some running sunglasses have anti-fog capabilities to prevent your sunglasses from fogging up, even during your hardest runs.

Searching for a pair of anti-fog sunglasses for running can be confusing for beginners, as there are many different types of running sunglasses. Let me simplify it for you!

For my money, the best anti-fog running sunglasses for men are:

If you are looking for Women’s sunglasses, then check out our recommendations of The 3 Best Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses For Women.

Now let’s take a closer look at these anti-fog men’s running sunglasses and how to buy your first pair!

Why Do My Sunglasses Fog Up When Running?

Sunglasses fog up due to a combination of moisture and heat.

This is especially an issue while running because we are constantly sweating and giving off heat.

Additionally, most normal sunglasses do not have any sort of ventilation which allows the sweat and heat to fog up your sunglasses. Without any ventilation, this causes moisture to build up on the sunglass lenses. This build up is what causes your sunglasses to fog up when running.

Therefore, it is important to use anti-fogging running sunglasses for ventilation and to prevent this problem.

How Do Anti-Fog Sunglasses Work?

As mentioned previously, sunglasses typically fog up due to sweat and heat that your body gives off from running. This builds

In order to prevent this, anti-fog sunglasses implement two important features:

  1. Ventilation
  2. Anti-Fog Lens

Ventilation provides a way for the moisture and heat produced from your body to vent out effectively. Without ventilation, it causes the moisture to stay in place on your lenses.

Many anti-fog sunglasses implement anti-fog lenses with hydrophobic technologies. Hydrophobic means that water does not like to be on the surface of the sunglasses. Therefore, these lenses reduce the amount of moisture that can build up on the sunglasses.

With the combination of ventilation and anti-fog lenses, these sunglasses allow you to run hard without having to worry about your sunglasses fogging up.

How Much Should I Spend For Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses?

Buying a pair of anti-fog running sunglasses can vary depending on the material quality, features, and durability.  

If you are looking for a pair of anti-fog running sunglasses, you can purchase a budget pair for under $30.

The middle tier of anti-fog running sunglasses will run you around $40-$80.

The prices for higher quality sunglasses can range due to different name brands, but you should aim for around $90-$150 for a high quality pair of sunglasses.

Best Budget Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses for Men: ROCK BROS Polarized Sunglasses

Here’s what I like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

  • Low Cost
  • Large Lens For Wide Field Of View
  • 100% UV-400 protective
  • Anti-Fog and Oil Resistant Lens
  • Only 25 Grams

This is a great budget pick for anyone who is in the market for anti-fog running sunglasses.

These sunglasses provide anti-fog, oil, and soil resistant lenses. They also have many of the great features that are usually found in high-end sunglasses.

One of my favorite features of these sunglasses are the large lenses. Especially when running, I like to enjoy and see my surroundings. The large lenses on these sunglasses provide you with a large field of view with very little interference. This allows you to see the nature around you without your sunglasses restricting the view.

Another benefit of these sunglasses are their lightweight, coming in at 25 grams. This is extremely lightweight and allows them to feel very light while wearing them.

These sunglasses also come with a hard and soft carrying case which usually only comes with high-end sunglasses.

Here’s what I don’t like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

There are not many downsides to these sunglasses, especially at such a great price.

However, some users might complain that the size of the lens might be too large for them. This is a personal preference, however, there are a lot of benefits to having larger lenses. They provide added protection and it is harder for bugs to get in your eyes during your runs.

There are also no color variations. Thankfully, the blue and black are neutral colors. Personally, I think these are very cool looking sunglasses.

For the low cost and high quality features, these sunglasses have potential to be your go-to running sunglasses.

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the ROCK BROS Polarized Sunglasses on Amazon. 

Best Mid-Range Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses For Men: Tifosi Alliant Sunglasses

Here’s what I like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

  • Composite Frame
  • Come With 3 Interchangeable Lens
  • Multiple Color Options
  • Excellent Ventilation

These running sunglasses provide a great amount of eye protection while maintaining excellent ventilation. With multiple ventilation slits, the air can flow through your sunglasses and prevent moisture build up on the lens.

One of the greatest benefits of these sunglasses, is that they come with 3 interchangeable lens. This allows you to change your lens depending on the lighting conditions. If it is super bright outside, then opt for the darks shaded lens.

Additionally, these sunglasses are made with a high quality composite material, making them durable for your everyday runs. They also come with a hard carrying case to protect them when you are not using them.

Here’s what I don’t like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

Some users might complain that they would like the lens to be even larger. While these are not as large as the Rock Bros sunglasses, these are large enough to provide good field of view and protection.

If you are looking a great pair of well made anti-fog running sunglasses at a mid-level price point, then these are a great option for you.

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the Tifosi Alliant Sunglasses on Amazon.

Best High-End Anti-Fog Running Sunglasses for Men: Oakley Men’s OO9208 Radar EV Path Shield Sunglasses

Here’s what I like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

  • Wide Field of View Lens
  • Many Color Options
  • UV Protection
  • Lightweight and Durable Frame

These sunglasses are an amazing option for high quality anti-fog running sunglasses.

They provide all the different features that you could want such as a excellent ventilation, anti-fog lens, and great durability.

These sunglasses are made of a high quality material that allow you to run without fog building up on the lens.

Oakley’s Plutonite Lenses offer UV Protection filtering 100% of all UVA, UVB, UVC and harmful blue light up to 400mm. This allows you to run comfortable, without having the sun making your eyes fatigued.

Additionally, Oakley lives up to its name with these sunglasses because they are made out of a high quality thermoplastic material. This makes it extremely durable even under the toughest conditions.

These sunglasses also come with a hard and soft carrying case.

Here’s what I don’t like about these anti-fog running sunglasses:

One downside to these sunglasses is the price point. These sunglasses are on the pricer side, however, they are a premium pair of sunglasses. The price of these sunglasses is justified by their high-quality. You should look at these sunglasses as an investment. If you invest in these sunglasses and take care of them, they can last for years and will be well worth the money.

Some users might complain that in order to use the interchangeable lens, you have to purchase them separately. While this is true, the pair of lens that the sunglasses come with are of the highest quality. For most people, the lens that these sunglass come with will perform perfectly.

Even though these sunglasses have a higher price point, they are well justified due to their overall high quality and durability. If taken care of properly, this investment in a premium pair of sunglasses will allow you to use them for many years. This makes these Oakley sunglasses well worth the cost and an excellent pair of running sunglasses.

Check the current price of the Oakley Men’s OO9208 Radar EV Path Shield Sunglasses on Amazon.


Running sunglasses are a great way to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and insects flying into your eyes.

However, one of the most common issues when running with sunglasses is that they fog up, making them difficult to see out of.

If you are having these sunglass fogging issues, then going for a pair of anti-fog sunglasses is a great option.

My top pick for runners wanting a pair of anti-fog running sunglasses for their next workout or race would be to go with a good all-around and budget-friendly option like the Rock Bros Polarized Sunglasses on Amazon.

These Rock Bros sunglasses are a great pair of anti-fog running sunglasses and are available at one of the most affordable prices on the market. Additionally, they provide features that only some of the higher-end sunglasses have. This is a great starting point for runners wanting a great pair of sunglasses that don’t fog up especially on your hardest runs. It would be difficult to find a better pair of running sunglasses for the price! If you have a larger budget to invest in running gear then you could always upgrade to the Tifosi Alliant or Oakley Radar sunglasses.

Hope this helps. Happy Running!

The 3 Best Waterproof Gloves For Running – Explained https://endurancefam.com/the-3-best-waterproof-gloves-for-running-explained/ Wed, 01 Apr 2020 02:31:32 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=576 I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements!

Are you tired of having your fingers freezing and wet during a rainy day run? This is something very common for many runners during the winter season and cold days.

Many people have some type of gloves they can wear on a normal cold day, but when it comes to rain, these gloves do not keep their hands dry and warm.

I can personally tell you that one of the worst feelings is being on a 5 miles run with soaking wet gloves.

Waterproof running gloves are a great way to keep your hands warm and dry during your next rainy run.

Searching for a pair of waterproof running gloves can be confusing to beginners, as there are many different types of running gloves and most without waterproof features. Let me help simplify it for you!

For my money, the best waterproof gloves for running are:

Now let’s take a closer look at these waterproof running gloves and how to buy your first pair!

How Do Waterproof Running Gloves Work?

While most waterproof gloves are made with their own waterproofing technology, most implement a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) layer. Without getting too technical, this material layer is water resistant and helps keep your hands dry.

To imagine this you can try pouring water on a plant or leaf. In most cases, the water will slide right off the surface of the plant. This phenomenon is what inspired waterproof clothing designs.

While most normal gloves will keep your hands warm, they do not have this water resistant layer to keep your hands dry. And without this water protection layer, your hands could end up being even colder if you are wearing regular gloves.

Waterproof running gloves help provide the water protection to keep your hands warm and dry.

How Waterproof Are Waterproof Running Gloves?

Despite the name waterproof running gloves, almost no glove is completely waterproof. These gloves are water resistant and can prevent rain and snow from making your hands wet and cold.

It is not wrong to call these gloves waterproof because the material and layer that these gloves are made out of are waterproof. However, if you were to drip your glove in a bucket of water, then some water may seep through holes in the stitching.

Additionally, most of these gloves are not designed to play in the snow with. However, they can protect your hands from light snowfall during your runs.

So, if you do not plan on having your hands completely submerged in a bucket of water, these waterproof running gloves should work great for you!

5 Main Factors For Buying Waterproof Running Gloves

When it comes to buying a pair of waterproof running gloves, these are the 5 main factors you should consider:

  1. Waterproof Design
    • The most important factor in buying waterproof running gloves is to make sure the gloves are made out of a waterproof material such as TPU. Most gloves will specify whether or not they implement waterproof materials.
  2. Touch Screen Capability
    • If you like to use your phone with your gloves on, then this may be an important factor for you to consider. Many modern running gloves implement a material on the fingertips that allow you to use phone without interruption. If the gloves do not have this compatible material then the gloves will not work with a touchscreen phone.
  3. Snug Fit
    • It is important to make sure that the gloves have a secure and snug fit. Some gloves implement a velcro strap or elastic wrist cuffs to ensure no wind or rain easily seems through.
  4. Not Too Bulky
    • When buying running gloves you want to make sure the gloves are not too bulky because the extra weight can become tiresome over a long run. However, most waterproof running gloves will be a little more bulky than normal running gloves due to the additional waterproof layer. This thin additional layer should not cause any additional fatigue.
  5. Sufficient Warmth
    • If you are planning on using these gloves in cold weather conditions (which is usually the case) then you want to make sure the gloves have a thermal layer to not only keep your hands dry but also warm!

While there are many different factors to consider, we have taken the time to consider all these factors and determined the top 3 waterproof running gloves for you. Continue reading to find out more!

How Much Should You Spend For Waterproof Running Gloves?

Buying a pair of waterproof running gloves can vary depending on the glove quality, material, and features.  

You can purchase a pair of discount waterproof running gloves for under $20.

The middle tier of waterproof running gloves will cost you around $20-$35.

For the high quality waterproof running gloves, you should aim for around $35-$60.

Best Budget Waterproof Running Gloves: OZERO Men’s and Women’s Water Resistant and Windproof Thermal Gloves for Running

Here’s what I like about these waterproof running gloves:

  • Low Cost
  • Non-Slip Hand Grip
  • Texting Finger Tips
  • Elastic Cuff
  • Not Bulky

This is a great budget pick for anyone who is in the market for waterproof running gloves.

These gloves have all the added features of a higher end glove such as the hand grip, texting fingers and elastic cuff.

One of my favorite things about these gloves is that they provide water resistance and warmth, while not being too bulky! The slim-fit look allows these gloves to be worn not only for running but other activities such as driving.

One of the biggest advantages of these gloves, is that they are some of the most affordable on the market while still providing essential features. These gloves come in a Men’s and Women’s version for a more precise fit.

Here’s what I don’t like about these waterproof running gloves:

There are not many downsides to these gloves, especially at such a great price.

However, some users might complain that these gloves are not the warmest for very cold temperatures (under 30 degrees Fahrenheit). It is important to remember that these are waterproof running gloves and are not specifically made for extremely cold temperatures.

If you are looking for a great budget pair of waterproof running gloves that will protect your hands in the rain or snow, then these are the gloves for you!

Women’s: Check the current price and read more user reviews of the OZERO Women’s Water Resistant and Windproof Thermal Gloves on Amazon. 

Men’s: Check the current price and read more user reviews of the OZERO Men’s Water Resistant and Windproof Thermal Gloves on Amazon. 

Best Mid-Range Waterproof Running Gloves: Cevapro Unisex -30℉ Winter Touchscreen Gloves for Running

Here’s what I like about these waterproof running gloves:

  • Faux Leather Palm
  • -30℉ Weather Protection
  • Smart Touch Index Finger
  • Double Shirred Elastic Wrist

These running gloves provide a high amount of waterproofing with additional temperature protection. They have thermal insulation to protect your hand in up to -30℉ weather. Most people will not be running in temperatures this cold but it just proves to how well these gloves work.

One of the best parts about these gloves is the double shirred elastic wrist. As mentioned previously, it is important that your hand fits snug and secure with the glove to prevent air and moisture from seeping in. This elastic wrist ensures that wind and rain will not easily come in contact with your hands, keeping them warm and dry.

Additionally, these gloves have a faux leather palm which adds to the appearance and quality of the glove.

Here’s what I don’t like about these waterproof running gloves:

Due to the high amount of thermal insulation, some users might complain that these gloves are a little too bulky and it is hard to type on a smartphone with. If you do not plan on using your smartphone a lot with these gloves on then this should not be too big of an issue.

Some users might complain about the claim that the gloves will help protect your hands at temperatures as low as -30℉. Disclaimer: It is not recommended to be outdoors when it is -30℉. These gloves can be used for cold weather activities but it is not recommended to use them in freezing temperatures.

As long as you do not plan on using your phone a lot with these gloves on, these are a great pair of waterproof and super warm running gloves.

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the Cevapro Unisex -30℉ Winter Touchscreen Gloves on Amazon.

Best High-End Waterproof Running Gloves: Craft Shield 2.0 Unisex Wind and Waterproof Bike Glove for Cycling and Running

Here’s what I like about these waterproof running gloves:

  • Velcro Wrist Adjuster
  • Silicone Plam Grips
  • High Quality Material
  • Good Thermal Protection
  • Smartphone Fingers

These gloves are an amazing option for high quality waterproof running gloves.

They provide all the different features that you could want such as smartphone fingers and silicone palm grips.

One of my favorite things about these gloves is the velcro wrist adjuster. This allows you to get the perfect and snug fit. With this snug fit, it will prevent wind and rain from seeping to your hands. This will help make sure that your hands stay nice and warm.

Being a high-quality pair of gloves, they are made out of high quality thermal and waterproof material. The plus side to the high quality material is that these gloves will be more durable than most. Especially, since these gloves will be used in harsh conditions (rain and snow) durability is an important factor.

Here’s what I don’t like about these waterproof running gloves:

Some users might complain about the name of these gloves. They are called bike gloves, however, they can be used for more than just biking. Because they are made with biking in mind, there is a little extra padding on the palm. This padding does not add much bulkiness to the gloves and fit comfortably for running.

Due to this extra padding, these gloves can also be used for other cold weather activities such as shoving snow and skiing in non-extreme temperatures.

As long as a little extra padding does not bother you, then these high quality waterproof running gloves are a great option for you!

Check the current price of the Craft Shield 2.0 Unisex Wind and Waterproof Bike and Running Gloves on Amazon.


Waterproof running gloves are a great way to keep your hands warm and dry during cold rainy days.

These gloves can protect your hands from rain and snow, however, it is important to make sure they fit secure and snug.

My top pick for runners wanting a pair of waterproof running gloves for their next workout or race, would be to go with a good all-around and budget-friendly option like the Women’s OZERO Water Resistant and Windproof Thermal Glove and Men’s OZERO Water Resistant and Windproof Thermal Glove on Amazon.

These OZERO running gloves are a great pair of waterproof running gloves and are available at one of the most affordable prices on the market. Additionally, they provide features that only some of the higher-end gloves have, such as hand grip, elastic wrists, and smartphone fingers, all while not being too bulky! This is a great starting point for runners wanting to try out waterproof running gloves, and it would be difficult to find a better pair of running gloves for the price!

Hope this helps!

The 3 Best Anti Chafing Running Shorts For Men – Explained https://endurancefam.com/the-3-best-anti-chafing-running-shorts-for-men-explained/ Fri, 27 Mar 2020 20:27:27 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=557 I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements!

Do you get a burning or stinging feeling on your skin from your thighs rubbing together? If you do, then you could be experiencing chafing. Chafing is a very common problem in running because our legs are constantly rubbing together.

Chafing is caused by a combination of:

  • Friction
  • Moisture
  • Irritating Fabric.

Because when running it is almost impossible to eliminate friction, we have to do everything we can to eliminate moisture and irritating fabric.

A pair of well-fitted and anti chafing shorts can help prevent moisture build-up and irritating fabric.

Searching for a pair of Anti Chafing Running Shorts can be confusing to beginners, as there are many different types of running shorts. Let me simplify it for you!

For my money, the best anti chafing running shorts for men are:

Now let’s take a closer look at these anti chafing men’s running shorts and how to buy your first pair!

Why Does Running Cause Chafing?

Chafing occurs due to a combination of friction, moisture, and irritating fabric.

When we run, we are constantly sweating. Combine this with the constant friction of our legs rubbing together and the friction coming from our clothes, this is a recipe for chafing.

When our skin becomes wet with our sweat, it causes our skin to become soft and weaker. The constant rubbing will cause the skin to break down and cause a burning sensation. It many cases, chafing can even lead to a burning sensation with a red rash. In severe cases, it can lead to bleeding or swelling.

Due to these factors, a very common area of concern for runners are our thighs. For many people, this is an area that constantly rubs together and can cause chafing.

Therefore, it is important to wear anti chafing running shorts to help prevent this problem.

How To Prevent Chafing When Running?

One of the best ways to prevent chafing when running is to mitigate and eliminate 2 of the 3 factors contributing to chafing in the first place.

With the use of anti chafing running shorts, you can mitigate the moisture and irritating clothing issues.

Many of the effective anti chafing running shorts have built-in compression shorts that use moisture wicking technology to keep your skin dry. Additionally, these compression shorts are made from a smooth nylon material that allows your legs to run without irritation.

3 Main Options For Men’s Anti Chafing Running Shorts

When it comes to anti chafing shorts for men, there are 3 main options:

  1. Regular running shorts
  2. Compression shorts plus a regular pair of shorts
  3. 2-n-1 running shorts

While these are all good options, the 2-n-1 running shorts allow you to purchase one pair of shorts and get the anti chafing feature that you need.

These 2-n-1 running shorts are running shorts with build-in compression shorts.

How Much Should You Spend For Anti Chafing Running Shorts?

Buying a pair of anti chafing running shorts can vary depending on the material quality, features, and name brand.  

If you do not care much about name brand, you can purchase a pair of discount anti chafing running shorts for under $25.

The middle tier of anti chafing running shorts will run (no pun intended) you around $30-$50.

For the high quality shorts, you should aim for around $60-$90.

Best Budget Anti Chafing Running Shorts for Men: BALEAF Men’s 2 in 1 Quick Dry Running Athletic Shorts With Zipper Pocket

Here’s what I like about these running shorts:

  • Deep Side Pockets
  • Drawstrings For Waist Adjustment
  • Back Zipper Pocket (Can hold a 5.5″ phone)
  • Low Cost
  • Multiple Color Options

This is a great budget pick for anyone who is in the market for anti chafing running shorts.

These shorts have many great features that are usually found in high-end shorts.

The deep side pockets and back zipper pockets are two of my favorite features. Most running shorts do not come with side pockets or any pockets at all. While you might not want to run with anything in your side pockets, they do give these shorts a lot a versatility. They can used post-workout to easily carry your phone, wallet, and keys.

One of the biggest advantages of these shorts, is that they are some of the most affordable on the market. At such a great price, they also offer a wide variety of colors options.

Here’s what I don’t like about these running shorts:

There are not many downsides to these shorts, especially at such a great price.

However, some users might complain about the short length of these shorts. This is definitely personal preference, but in the running world, “short shorts” are widely accepted!

If you have never worn compression shorts, they may take a couple wears to get used to. But if you stick with it, you will soon be running chafing-free!

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the BALEAF Men’s 2 in 1 Running Shorts With Zipper Pocket on Amazon. 

Best Mid-Range Anti Chafing Running Shorts For Men: ASICS Men’s Silver 7″ 2-n-1 Shorts

Here’s what I like about these running shorts:

  • Drawcord waist tie for adjustability
  • 100% polyester material
  • 7-in inseam (“length”)
  • Hidden internal pocket

These running shorts provide a great amount of anti chafing protection for even your longest runs.

One of the greatest benefits of these shorts is the high quality 100% polyester material. This polyester material is smooth and stretch. This allows you to run without clothing restriction.

Asics is known to be a high quality running clothes brand, and these shorts prove help prove that.

Here’s what I don’t like about these running shorts:

Some users might complain about the lack of color options. These shorts come in a Performance Black or Dark Grey color-ways. This might be a downside for some people but these colors go with everything.

Additionally, some runners my find these shorts lacking features. However, these shorts do come with a hidden internal pocket which is great for a pair of keys.

If you are looking a great pair of well made anti chafing shorts, and don’t need a whole bunch of different features, then these are a great option for you.

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the ASICS Men’s Silver 7″ 2-n-1 Shorts on Amazon.

Best High-End Anti Chafing Running Shorts for Men: 2XU XVENT 5″ 2-in-1 Compression Shorts

Here’s what I like about these running shorts:

  • Zip pocket and easy access phone pocket
  • High-quality material
  • Antibacterial treatment through compression short
  • Zero cling against the body when worn

These shorts are an amazing option for high quality anti chafing running shorts.

They provide all the different features that you could want such as a zip pocket for your keys and an easy access phone pocket.

These shorts are made of a high quality material that allow you to run without restrictive clothing interference.

One of the most annoying things about some running shorts is that they cling to you due to electrostatic forces. However, these shorts have almost zero cling to the body when wearing and running in them.

The brand ZXU is know for making high quality recovery and performance gear. In addition to anti chafing capabilities, their PWX compression layer allows for muscle support and greater power output.

Additionally, these shorts have been through an antibacterial treatment to help keep these shorts smelling fresh!

Here’s what I don’t like about these running shorts:

Some users might complain that there are not enough color options. This is true because the only available option is black. However, with their reflective logos and unique design, I think these are some of the best looking running shorts on the market.

Additionally some users might complain about the higher price, but the high quality of these shorts and the useful features, these shorts are well worth the cost.

Check the current price of the 2XU XVENT 5″ 2-in-1 Compression Shorts on Amazon.


Specific running shorts are a great way to protect your body from unnecessary chafing issues.

In running, chafing is very common especially in the thigh area. However, with the use of anti chafing running shorts, we can eliminate or reduce the contributing factors of moisture and irritating clothes.

The built in compression shorts help reduce the amount of moisture on your legs. They also provide a smooth surface for your legs to slide past each other when you are running.

If you are having these chafing issues, then going for a pair of 2-n-1 running shorts are a great option.

My top pick for runners wanting a pair of anti chafing running shorts for their next workout or race would be to go with a good all-around and budget-friendly option like the BALEAF Men’s 2 in 1 Quick Dry Running Shorts With Zipper Pocket on Amazon.

These BALEAF running shorts are a great pair of anti chafing running shorts and are available at one of the most affordable prices on the market. Additionally, they provide features that only some of the higher-end shorts have. This is a great starting point for runners wanting to try out anti chafing running shorts, and it would be difficult to find a better pair of running shorts for the price!

Hope this helps!

The 3 Best Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves For Running – Explained https://endurancefam.com/the-3-best-cooling-and-uv-protection-arm-sleeves-for-running-explained/ Mon, 23 Mar 2020 04:01:53 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=513 I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements!

Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves are a fantastic accessory to add to your running gear wardrobe because they can help make your runs more enjoyable and even safer.  These arm sleeves are great to use in warm weather conditions, especially when it is sunny outside.

The sun is constantly emitting ultraviolet radiation (UV) which is the leading cause of skin cancer.  As a runner, we do a majority of our running outside and are exposed to these harmful UV rays.

Therefore, it is our responsibility to protect ourselves. Because these arm sleeves block harmful UV rays, they actually help keep us cool on our runs!

Searching for Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves can be confusing to beginners, as there are a few different types. Let me simplify it for you!

For my money, the best cooling and UV protection arm sleeves are:

Now let’s take a closer look at these cooling and UV protection arm sleeves and how to buy your first pair!

What Are Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves?

Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves are compression sleeves that extend from the top of your arm to just above your wrist. 

These arm sleeves are great for warm weather conditions because they keep you cool while on your run. They also provide sun protection to help keep your skin safe from the sun.  

How Do Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves Work?

You may be thinking to yourself, how can wearing more accessories and clothes make you feel cooler in warm temperatures.  One of the main reasons you feel hot during your runs is because the sun is directly shining on your skin.

Think about when it is hot outside and you stand in the sun vs. standing in the shade.  Because the sun is not directly hitting you, it will cause you to feel cooler and more comfortable. 

The sun is constantly emitting ultraviolet radiation (UV) which is the main cause for skin cancer.  Many of these UV protection arm sleeves help block a majority of these ultraviolet rays and can help protect your skin.

These cooling and UV protection arm sleeves are usually made out of nylon and spandex material.  These light-weight materials are moisture wicking and help keep you cool.

Top 3 Benefits of Using Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves

UV protection and cooling arm sleeves include a variety of benefits, but the top 3 reasons these arm sleeves can help you are: 

  1. Cools Your Body in Hot Temperatures
  2. Sun Protection
  3. Improved Performance

As a bonus, these arm sleeves also make you look professional!  Many elite runners wear these arm sleeves to keep cool during their races.  Not only do they look professional, but they also can improve your performance by helping maintain a lower body temperature in warm conditions.  By keeping cool, you will be able to run faster.

Difference Between Cooling Arm Sleeves vs. Arm Warmers

You may be more familiar with arm warmers but there is actually a difference between cooling arm sleeves and arm warmers.  On one hand, arm warmers are made out of a thicker Polyester material, while cooling arm sleeves are made out of a lightweight nylon material.  Their individual material difference allows the thicker material to keep you warm and the lightweight material to keep you cool.  Both arm sleeves provide UV protection because it blocks UV rays from directly hitting your arms.  

Are Arm Sleeves Unisex?

Most of these cooling arm sleeves are unisex.

However, there are a few gender specific arm sleeves on the market.  

Because these arm sleeves are made out of a stretchy material, generally the common Small, Medium, and Large options should work for most people. Additionally, some arm sleeves come in youth sizes.

How Much Should You Spend For Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves?

Buying a pair of cooling arms sleeves won’t break the piggy bank.  

You can purchase a pair of discount arm sleeves for under $10.

However, just as the cheapest car may not be the best, try and spend $10-$25 for a middle of the road arm sleeves and $25-$40 for the best quality cooling arm sleeves.

Best Budget Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves For Running: Aegend UV Protection Cooling Arm Sleeves

Here’s what I like about these arm sleeves:

  • Low Cost
  • Anti-Slip Down Your Arm
  • Multiple Color Options
  • 30-Day No Hassle Replacement

This is a great budget pick for beginners who want to try out UV protection and cooling arm sleeves.

These sleeves have an elastic band that fits securely on your arm, so the sleeves won’t annoyingly slip-off during your running workout.

An added benefit of these sleeves is they come with a 30-Day No Hassle Replacement.  If they don’t fit how you would like them to, you can replace them with a different size.  

Here’s what I don’t like about these arm sleeves:

Some users may find these arm sleeves a bit too tight.  However, thanks to the No Hassle Replacement, you can try different sizes until you find the one that works best for you.

Compared to the higher end arm sleeves, these might not last as long.  However, these are made out of a good quality polyamide fiber material with high quality stitching.  Aegend offers a 12-Month After Service Guarantee as well.  

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the Aegend UV Protection Cooling Arm Sleeves on Amazon. 

Best Mid-Range Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves For Running: NIKE Pro Adult Dri-FIT 3.0 Arm Sleeves

Here’s what I like about these arm sleeves:

  • Dri-FIT fabric accelerates evaporation to keep you cool
  • Slightly thicker upper band to prevent slipping down your arm
  • Can serve as a compression arm sleeve for injuries

These Dri-Fit arms sleeves provide great sun protection and cooling capabilities for warm weather runs.  

They can even be used for regular use whether it be driving in the car and protecting your arm from the sun or playing basketball and wanting to stay cool.

These sleeves are made out of a higher quality fiber mix of 80% polyester, 14% spandex, 6% rubber.  This mix of materials gives the arm sleeves a higher durability and higher quality feel.

Here’s what I don’t like about these arm sleeves:

Some users might complain about the lack of sizing options, however, the available options should fit the majority of people. 

Additionally, Nike makes these sleeves in youth sizes as well.

Check the current price and read more user reviews of the NIKE Pro Adult Dri-FIT 3.0 Arm Sleeves on Amazon. 

Best High-End Cooling and UV Protection Arm Sleeves For Running: ZENSAH UV Arm Sleeves

Here’s what I like about these arm sleeves:

  • High-quality stitching
  • Moisture wicking and anti-odor fabric
  • UPF 50+ for sun protection
  • Seamless for anti-chafing

These arm sleeves are made out of extremely high quality material which allow you to perform at the highest level.  

Their anti-odor fabric allows you to wear them multiple times without having to wash them.  

Another feature that makes these high quality is the seamless design.  This ensures that the arm sleeves will reduce most, if not all chafing (rubbing) issues even under the harshest conditions.

Here’s what I don’t like about these arm sleeves:

Some users might complain about the available sizing options.  Because of their compression feature and seamless design, the available sizes will fit most people’s arms.

This product is not sold by Amazon and is sold on the product company’s website.  This may result in a slightly longer delivery time, however, these arm sleeves are well worth the wait.

Check the current price of the ZENSAH UV Arm Sleeves on Zensah.com (the company’s website)


Cooling and UV protection arm sleeves are a great way to protect your body from harmful UV rays while also keeping yourself cool on your runs.

As runners, we are usually in the sun for long periods of time.  It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protection of our body.

Once you try these arm sleeves out during a hot and sunny day, you will wonder how you ever ran without them!

My top pick for beginners wanting to get their first pair of cooling arm sleeves would be to go with a good all-around and budget-friendly option like the Aegend UV Protection Cooling Arm Sleeves on Amazon.

You can always upgrade to a higher-end pair of arm sleeves down the line as you get more competitive in the running world.  But if you’re just getting started and want to try out a pair of cooling arm sleeves, it would be difficult to find a better pair of cooling and UV protective arm sleeves for the price!

Hope this helps!

Top 5 Best Running Insoles For Runners With High Arches https://endurancefam.com/top-5-best-running-insoles-for-runners-with-high-arches/ Mon, 02 Mar 2020 04:42:05 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=462

I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements!

Do your feet, arches, or calves hurt after your runs?  Well, if you are experiencing any of these pains then this could be a result of having high arches.   Studies show that over 20% of the population have high arches. Running with high arches can cause many complications, but they are things that you can do to prevent these pains. One solution is to invest in some quality running insoles that are specifically made for people with high arches.  In this article, we will be going over how to tell if you have high arches and sharing our 5 best running insoles for runners with high arches.

How To Tell If You Have High Arches?

So, before you invest in some quality running insoles for high arches, you first have to determine if you actually have high arches.  Having high arches means that the inside of your foot is much higher off the ground than the outer side of your foot. The best way to tell if you have high arches place a piece of paper on the ground, wet your feet in the sink or shower and then step onto the paper.  If a majority of your arch does not show up on the paper and it is mainly your forefoot and heel, then you most likely have high arches.  

If you want more information about how to do the wet test and determine whether you have high arches check out the video above.

Why Do You Need Insoles For High Arches?

Now that you have determined whether you have high arches, what are the benefits of wearing insoles and how can they help you? Let’s break down the top 3 benefits of using insoles if you have high arches.

1. Reduces Impact

Running requires your body to withstand a lot of impact and having high arches does not allow your body to effectively absorb the impact.  This will cause excessive strain on your muscles and joints. However, by using insoles especially made for high arches, they will cushion this constant impact and relieve a majority of the stress.

2. Structural Support

Structural support for your feet is important when running. If you do not have any insoles, each step while running will put strain on your arches. This can lead to many different strain related injuries. However, if you use the correct insoles with sufficient support, it will help you prevent strain in your feet and legs.  If you do not use insoles when running, your feet will become flatter and will strain your calf and other leg muscles. Insoles are an important part of injury prevention.

3. Improves Performance

 Not only will the proper insoles help reduce injury, but it will also help improve performance.   This is because when your feet are strained and do not have proper support or cushion, they will become fatigued much more quickly.  Therefore, by using the correct insoles for your foot, you will help prevent yourself from becoming unnecessarily fatigued and tired.

How To Choose The Best Running Insoles For High Arches?

We will discuss all the important factors when choosing the best running insoles for your high arches.  It is important to consider all factors because they all contribute to properly supporting your feet while running.

1. Insole Flexibility

It is important to make sure that your insole is flexible because your foot bends and flexes when running. You do not want your insole to restrict your stride by not allowing your foot to effectively push off the ground.

2. Insole Cushion

Make sure that your insole has enough cushion but not too much.  You do not want to have too much cushion on your insole because it can actually cause you to have to push harder off the ground. Make sure to be cautious of too much insole thickness. 

3. Insole Size and Thickness

There are two main types of insole sizes, 3/4 length insoles and full-length insoles.  The 3/4 insole is typically used with the manufactured insole in the shoe as well. Whereas, with the full-length insole you typically remove the manufactured insole and replace it with the full-length one. It is a personal preference but I typically like to go with the full-length option because you do not have to worry about making the shoe too tight with two different insoles inside.  If you do plan to go with a 3/4 insole then make sure to bring your insoles when buying shoes or buy shoes that will accommodate the extra thickness.

4. Foot Arch Height

If you are buying an insole for high arches then make sure that you really do have high arches. Wearing high arch insoles without having high arches can cause a lot of pain in your foot and can cause potential injuries.

5. Insole Material and Durability

 There are a few different types of insole materials such as gel, cork, leather, foam, carbon fiber, or a combination of a few of these.  Typically, the higher-priced insoles use a carbon fiber base, while the less expensive insoles use a gel or foam base.

Top 5 Best Running Insoles For Runners With High Arches

1. Dash Performance Insoles For Men And Women


Length: Full Size

Material: Carbon Fiber Arch Support

Gender: Men and Women

Reasons To Avoid:

– Pricer than most foam and gel insoles

Reasons To Buy:

+ Lightweight For Running

+ Multiple Arch Options

+ More Than 1,000 Pairs Sold

2. GAOAG Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Insole Orthotics 


Length: Full Size

Material: PR-Thermo Plastic Rubber

Gender: Men and Women

Reasons To Avoid:

– Not as many sizing options

Reasons To Buy:

+ Great Price

+ Comfortable

+ More Than 10,000 Pairs Sold

3. Physix Gear Sport Full Length Orthotic Inserts with Arch Support


Length: Full Size

Material: EVA Material

Gender: Men and Women

Reasons To Avoid:

– Arch height could be too high for some

Reasons To Buy:

+ Great Price

+ 7 mm Arch Support

+ 88% Fit As Expected

4. Superfeet ORANGE Insoles, High Arch Support and Forefoot Cushion Orthotic Insole


Length: Full Size

Material: Man-Made Plastic

Gender: Men

Reasons To Avoid:

– Less cushion

Reasons To Buy:

+ Organic Odor Control

+ Good Reputation

+ 90% Fit As Expected

5. Superfeet BERRY Women’s Comfort High Arch Support and Forefoot Cushion Orthotic Insoles


Length: Full Size

Material: Man-Made Plastic

Gender: Women

Reasons To Avoid:

– Less Cushion

Reasons To Buy:

+ Great Odor Control

+ Good Reputation

+ 90% Fit As Expected

Affiliate Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support in this way.

Does Running Make You Taller? – The Truth Revealed https://endurancefam.com/does-running-make-you-taller-the-truth-revealed/ Fri, 24 Jan 2020 08:38:01 +0000 https://endurancefam.com/?p=444

At some point in your life, you may have thought to yourself, “I wonder if there is anything I can do to make myself taller?”  Running and exercise can have great benefits for your body and overall health, but does it also have some benefits that are not as well known.  While being tall is highly dependent on your genetics, does running actually make you taller?

Implementing running into your life can actually make you taller but in certain ways that you may not have thought of.  Being tall is highly dependent on your genetics, however, by adopting a running lifestyle it will force you to implement positive changes such as better posture, improved nutrition, frequent exercise, and more sleep into your life.  All of these factors will help you grow and appear taller.

Let’s take a look at 5 ways running can make you taller and 4 harmful things to avoid if you want to grow taller!

5 Ways Running Can Make You Taller

1. Proper Posture

Posture is one of the most important things that make you taller and also appear taller. Whether you are at school or at work, sitting all day can negatively affect your posture.  Constantly hunching over looking at your computer screen or your phone can cause you to get a hunchback. If you do this over time your body will begin to think there are stresses on it and will actually cause your body to build muscle while you’re in this position. These muscles are not the kind you want because they will make your hunched body position permanent.  This slouching behavior can cause you to appear a couple inches shorter than you really are. 

Therefore, by implementing running into your lifestyle, it will force you to have better posture by standing up straight and pushing your chest out.  Additionally, running helps build muscles in your upper body, which can help counteract the negative muscles built up by slouching. Running can make you taller by improving your posture to an upright and strong position.

2. Good Nutrition

Studies have shown that nutrition is one of the most important factors in growing taller.  While running might not directly make you taller, eating like a runner can make you taller. Although runners typically are known to be skinny, most actually eat a lot because of all the calories that they burn during their workouts. This constant cycle of working out and then eating helps build stronger muscles, bones, and joints.  Additionally, adopting a running lifestyle influences you into eating healthier and more nutritious food. When trying to decide between eating at a fast food restaurant or cooking a healthy meal at home try to opt for the healthier option. Not only will this make you feel better on your next run, but it’ll also give you the essential nutrients to grow taller.

3. Good Night’s Sleep

Along with nutrition, sleep is another extremely important factor in growing taller. You might be thinking to yourself how does running help with sleeping?  Well, studies actually show that doing a running workout does improve sleep quality because it tires your body out and actually helps you have a better night of sleep. Additionally, after doing a running workout your muscles will need to sleep to be able to recover and grow stronger.  By adopting a running lifestyle, you will feel more enthusiastic to get a better night’s sleep because you know that you will need it if you want to have a great workout the next day. Depending on your age, the typical asleep that you should aim for is between 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep will not only prepare you for your next workout but will also help you grow taller.

4. Working Muscles

Running has many great benefits for your body and muscles, and also has one benefit that you may not be thinking of.  When working out muscles actually expand and contract. With the right nutrients and recovery your muscles would grow stronger and can even grow in length.  This is especially true when you’re working out your back, core, and leg muscles.  Running is a full body workout and builds muscles in all of these areas. If you imagine someone with zero muscles, what do you think their body would do?  Most likely their body will lean or fall over because there is nothing to hold the bones up. Therefore, by strengthening your muscles you can actually slightly elongate them because you will have more strength to flex and straighten your muscles.  A good exercise to test this out is to stand up and relax all your back muscles.  Then try to stand up straight and flex your back muscles. You should notice that you look at least a couple inches taller when you’re standing up straight flexing your back muscles.  Running helps with this because you’re constantly in this upright position and building muscles throughout your body to help support this healthy posture. 

5. Healthy Exercise

Running and exercise are great ways to help you grow taller.  This is because growth hormones are actually released when you exercise and strengthen your muscles.  These growth hormones are important when trying to grow taller because it activates your growth plates which helps build cartilage.  This cartilage helps you grow taller and over time it will turn into solid bone. Therefore, it is important to implement consistent running and exercise into your life not only to become healthier but also to grow to the height you’ve always wanted to be!

4 Harmful Things To Avoid If You Want To Grow Taller

1. Extreme Exercise

Although we discussed exercise as being a very important factor if you want to become taller, it is also important to remember not to overdo it.  Extreme exercise can actually damage your growth plates and cause your body to release less growth hormones. This is because if you strain your body too much, it will naturally do everything it can to compensate for the strain.  In these strenuous times, your body will use growth hormones to help you recover rather than help you grow cartilage and height. This is especially important to remember if you are of a young age because this is when most of your growing occurs.  Therefore, if you are of a young age or have children remember that extreme exercise may not be good for yours or their health. Children and teens have plenty of time to achieve great things in sports but this can only be done if their training done cautiously.

2. Smoking

One of the worst things you could do to your body is to smoke. Not only will this make running extremely difficult, but it is also known to cause lung cancer and many other horrible diseases. Additionally, if you want to grow taller smoking is proven to actually decrease your height. This is because smoking causes harmful chemicals and toxins to enter the body. These chemicals drain your body of important nutrients and growth hormones that are necessary to grow taller. Therefore, to protect your health and future height avoid smoking at all costs. 

3. Bad Nutrition

As we discussed previously, nutrition is extremely important if you want to grow taller.  Having a bad nutrition can rob your body of important nutrients necessary for growing taller.  You need these nutrients to help your body recover your muscles from workouts while also giving your body additional nutrients growth building.  Therefore, make sure to maintain a good nutritious lifestyle while avoiding sugary and processed foods.

4. Stress and Anxiety

After doing some research, I found a study that stated stress and anxiety can lead to a disruption in long-bone growth.  This has serious effects your growth hormones and cause your body not to produce as much as it naturally should be. Therefore, it is important to try to minimize your stress and anxiety in your life. Running and exercise are great solutions and helping reduce your stress and anxiety.  Running actually releases “feel-good” hormones or endorphins which help reduce pain, anxiety, and stress. Not only can running cause your body to release feel-good hormones, but it can also help with your confidence. After completing a hard run or workout you will feel like you could conquer the world.  Therefore, running can help increase your confidence which will help you maintain your stress and anxiety.


YES, running can actually make you taller and appear taller!  By adopting a running lifestyle, it will force you to partake in many positive growth practices such as improving your posture, having a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising.  These are all important factors that help promote growth due to the release of growth hormones and cartilage growth that will eventually turn into longer bones. As long as you are careful not to exercise too extremely, this running lifestyle will not only help you become healthier but will also help you grow taller!


This is not professional healthcare advice and should only be used for educational purposes.  For serious and personal health questions, make sure to contact a healthcare professional.
